15 Oct 2016

My Songs II

When I started out recording my songs in the studio, I was barely a singer. I did it because I felt it would help me - why should I keep paying coaches that could barely help me. I believed going headlong would make a difference and it did; though not rapidly. It was facing my musical challenges directly - essentially crafting and hearing notes. In all, it was a gradual bringing forth of my creativity and I’m glad it’s been progressive.

28 Sept 2016

Hey & Oblivion

These songs were concurrently produced between 10th and 24th September, 2016 as singles. Initially, I’d wanted to produce an EP but based on fund, I had to opt for singles, and I chose these two (because they perfectly capture my pattern of singing - off-pitch; and they are mixed off-pitch). They were produced by Efe-Keyz.

12 Aug 2016

Rebekah-Flora (Album)

This album was released in June, 2015 - just after Butterfly (EP). It’s a combination of Let’s Rock It (EP) and Butterfly (EP). This was done for economical reason - avoiding the need to pay more for less.

9 Aug 2016

Butterfly (EP)

This EP was produced and released in 2015. All the songs, except for “My Friend” were produced at the same time -- 16th - 25th June, 2015 by Efe-Keeyz in his studio; and were released afterwards online. However, the songs were not all composed at the same time.

9 May 2016

Let’s Rock It (EP)

The EP Let’s Rock It was compiled in May, 2015. All the songs (in the compilation) were singles released at different period up to 2015. But between April-May, 2015 I remade, or rather re-voiced all the solo parts in all the songs. Afterwards, I released them as an EP.